公管学院MPA教育中心 公管学院MPA教育中心


  • 日期:2016-08-26
  • 9376

余江  男  博导  中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
电子邮件: yujiang@mail.casipm.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京中关村北一条15号
邮政编码: 100190


公共政策与管理;产业科技政策与管理 ;数字创新  


国家自然科学基金重点项目“ 我国核心信息技术创新规律与创新体系研究”(2019.01-2023.12



国家自然科学基金面上项目“ IT技术追赶中的互补性资产与路径选择模式研究”(2010年1月至2012年12月)




中国科学院年度战略规划课题 “国立科研机构在突破关键核心技术中的新机制设计研究”





[1]. Digital-Enabled Public Service Innovation in China's eHealth Sector: An Institutional Logics Perspective[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2020, PP(99):1-18.
[2]. Linking institutional environment with technological change: The rise of China's flat panel display industry[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020, 151.
[3].  Exploring Regional Innovation Ecosystem: An Empirical Study in China[J]. Industry and Innovation, 2020.
[4]. Towards a service-dominant platform for public value co-creation in a smart city: Evidence from two metropolitan cities in China[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2019, 142(MAY):168-182.
[5]. Legitimacy building and e-commerce platform development in China: The experience of Alibaba[J]. Technological forecasting and social change, 2019, 139(FEB.):115-124.
[6]. Manufacturing Strategies for the Ecosystem-based Manufacturing System in the Context of 3D Printing[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2019, 0020-7543
[7].  Related yet diverging sectoral systems: telecommunications equipment and semiconductors in China[J]. Industry and innovation, 2017.
[8]. Generating technology development paths to the desired future through system dynamics modeling and simulation[J]. Futures, 2016, 81(aug.):81-97.
[9]. From concept to implementation: The development of the emerging cloud computing industry in China[J]. Telecommunications Policy, 2016, 40(2-3):130-146.
[10]. Government in standardization in the catching-up context: Case of China's mobile system[J]. Telecommunications Policy, 2014,38(2):200-209.
[11]. Motivation and strategy: MNCs embeddedness in Chinas standardization based innovation[J]. Telecommunications Policy, 2014, 38(10):890-901.
[12]. Evolutionary dynamics of high technology industry: modeling of semiconductor sector in China[J]. Chinese Management Studies, 2013, 7(2):194-214.
[13]. Nurturing business ecosystems to deal with industry uncertainties[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2013, 113(3):385-402.
[14]. Linking business ecosystem lifecycle with platform strategy: A triple view of technology, application and organization[J]. International Journal of Technology Management, 2013, 62(1):75-94.
[15]. Government in standardization in the catching-up context: Case of China's mobile system[J]. Telecommunications Policy, 2014.
[16]. A two-stage technology foresight model with system dynamics simulation and its application in the Chinese ICT industry[J]. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2012, 79(7):1254-1267.
[17]. From 3G to 4G: technology evolution and path dynamics in China's mobile telecommunication sector[J]. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2011, 23(10):1079-1093.
[18]. Evaluating 3G licensing patterns for an indigenous standard in China [J]. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2008, 7(3), 451-470.
[19]. Emerging markets has China caught up in IT?[J]. Communications of the ACM, 2010, 53(8): 30-32.
[20]. Institutional environment and complementary assets: Business strategy in China's 3G development[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2010, 27(4):647-675.
[21]. Developing effective strategies to address complex challenges: evidence from local high-tech firms in China[J]. International Journal of Technology Management, 2010, 51(2/3/4):319-341.
[22]. Innovation diffusion in a context of radical industry restructuring[J]. International Journal of Innovation & Learning, 2006, 3(2):214-226.
[23]. The evolution of China's mobile telecommunications industry: past, present and future.[J]. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2005, 3(2):114-126.
[24]. The strategic roles of government in e-infrastructure development: case studies of China and Korea[J]. Electronic Government an International Journal, 2005, 2(2):177-187.
[25].  新一代信息技术产业的技术升级测度研究[J/OL].科学学研究:1-16[2021-05-28].https://doi.org/10.16192/j.cnki.1003-2053.20210202.003.
[26].  实施创新驱动发展战略  加快推动我国现代化建设——研究阐释党的十九届五中全会精神笔谈[J].经济管理,2021,43(01):5-17.
[27]. 聚焦关键核心技术攻关强化国家科技创新体系化能力[J].中国科学院院刊,2020,35(08):1018-1023.
[28]. 以跨学科大纵深研究策源重大原始创新:新一代集成电路光刻系统突破的启示[J].中国科学院院刊,2020,35(01):112-117.
[29]. 国立科研机构如何牵引核心技术攻坚体系:国际经验与启示[J].中国科学院院刊,2019,34(08):920-925.
[30]. 造强国重器:关键核心技术突破的规律探索与体系构建[J].中国科学院院刊,2019,34(03):339-343.
[31]. 数字创业:数字化时代创业理论和实践的新趋势[J].科学学研究,2018,36(10):1801-1808.
[32]. 深度数字化如何重塑服务创新[J].清华管理评论,2018(09):50-54.
[33]. 数字创新:创新研究新视角的探索及启示[J].科学学研究,2017,35(07):1103-1111.
[34]. 新一代信息技术产业发展模式转变的演进机理——以中国蜂窝移动通信产业为例[J].科学学研究,2016,34(12):1807-1816.
[35]. 推动中国云计算技术与产业创新发展的战略思考[J].中国科学院院刊,2015,30(02):181-186.
[36]. 中国战略性新兴产业的技术创新现状与挑战——基于专利文献计量的角度[J]. 科学学研究, 2012, 30(5):682-695.
[37]. 中国高技术产业创新与发展的规模增长关联诊断——兼论产业创新系统规模因子的构建与应用[J]. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2012(12):38-52.
[38]. 国家自然科学基金促进学科均衡协调可持续发展的政策内涵[J].中国科学基金,2009,23(03):187-192.
[39]. 通信产品标准竞争中的企业联盟动因分析[J].科研管理,2004(01):129-132.
[40]. 第三代移动通信集成创新案例研究[J].中国软科学,2002(12):89-94.
[41]. 影响产业技术跨越的价值链状态分析[J].科学学研究,2002(05):497-499.
[42]. 系统性技术创新与价值链重构[J].数量经济技术经济研究,2002(07):5-8.
[43]. 第三代移动通信技术替代进程分析[J].科研管理,2002(03):14-19.