- 职称: 研究员
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电子邮件: jqwxnjq(AT)163.com
- 通讯地址 北京市海淀区中关村北一条15号
- 2021.4-至今,中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院,研究员2011-2016,中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所,助理研究员(2011),项目副研究员(2015)2001-2008,获理学学士、理学硕士学位
- 2008-2011,中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所获管理学博士学位
- 2016-2021.4,中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院,副研究员
- 气候与能源金融、能源战略管理、大数据与能源风险预测
- 1.国家自然科学优秀青年基金:“能源金融”(2021.1-202312),主持人3.中国石油天然气股份有限公司委托项目:“价格市场化下天然气对区域经济高质量发展贡献评估研究”(2019-2020),主持人5.中科院国际合作项目:“加密数字货币市场系统性风险与监管对策研究”(2019.11-2021.5),主持人7.院长基金:“ “一带一路”沿线国家投资空间布局与风险优化策略研究”(2018-3-2019.12) ,主持人。9.中国科学院青年创新促进会项目:“能源金融与大数据”(2017.1-2020.12),主持人11.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:“世界石油贸易格局的系统分析方法与我国的影响力研究”(2013.1-2015.12),主持人13.研究所重大研究任务项目“能源安全战略管理”子课题:“能源市场定价机制与话语权研究”(2012.1-2015.12),主持人15.研究所青年基金“我国石油市场影响力研究”(2012.1-2012.12),主持人
- 14.研究所重大研究任务项目“全球石油资源利用的风险管理与优化战略研究”子课题:“石油市场与其他市场之间的信息传导机制研究”(2012.1-2015.12),主持人
- 12.国家自然科学基金重点项目“面向全球资源的石油资源经济安全管理理论与实证研究”子课题:“石油市场价格形成机理与定价权研究”(2012.1-2015.12),主持人
- 10.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目:“大数据驱动下石油市场微观机理与风险管理范式研究”(2016.1-2018.12),主持人
- 8.国家自然科学基金面上项目:“国际石油市场微观-宏观行为规律与复杂机理研究”(2018.1-2021.12,48万)(No.71774152)
- 6.国家重点研发计划项目专题:“大气污染区域联防联控综合方案的优化与评价”( 2019-1-2021.12),主持人。
- 4.上海期货交易所: “原油期货风险传导机制和功能发挥指标评价体系研究”(2019-2020),主持人
- 2.国家自然科学基金面上项目:“全球能源市场系统性风险测度与传染机制研究”(2018.1-2021.12),主持人
- 1.国际能源转型研究学会副理事长,2021-3.中国管理现代化研究会理事,2020-5.中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会管理决策与信息系统专业委员会常务理事,2018-7.中国能源金融联盟联合发起人,2018-9.国际SSCI期刊Finance Research Letters高级主编, 2018-11.国际SSCI期刊Emerging Markets Finance and Trade副主编, 2019-13.国际SCI/SSCI期刊Energy Policy, International Advisory Board,2020-15.The Energy Journal(SSCI)客座主编,202117.Green Finance编委, 2018-19.Energy Economics客座主编, 202021.SAGE Open(SSCI)客座主编,2019
- 23.《中国管理科学》客座主编, 2018
- 22.Frontiers in Energy Research(SCI)客座主编, 2019
- 20.Energy Policy客座主编, 2020
- 18.Frontiers in Environmental Science(SSCI)客座主编, 2020
- 16.Resources, Conservation & Recycling(SSCI)客座主编,2021
- 14.《低碳经济》,编委,2020
- 12.国际ESCI期刊International Journal of Financial Engineering副主编, 2019-
- 10.国际SSCI期刊International Review of Economics and Finance副主编, 2019-
- 8.国际SSCI期刊International Review of Financial Analysis副主编, 2018-
- 6.中国石油学会石油经济专业委员会委员,2018-
- 4.中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会低碳发展管理专业委员会常务理事,2014-
- 2.中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会气候金融研究分会(筹)副理事长,2020-
- 1.爱思唯尔中国高被引学者,20203.第七届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛优秀指导教师(特等奖),2021年5.“成思危优秀科研成果奖”,2020年7.Economic Modelling首届最佳论文奖,2020年9.第四届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛优秀指导教师(特等奖),2018年11.中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,2017年
- 12.第二届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛优秀指导教师(特等奖),2016年
- 10.第四届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛最佳能源建模奖(指导老师),2018年
- 8.能源软科学研究优秀成果二等奖。“一带一路”下的能源合作与安全。排名第二,2018年
- 6.中国科学院大学校级研究生优秀课程《能源战略管理》,2020年
- 4.国家自然科学优秀青年基金,2020年
- 2.全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,2020
- 1.Zhiwei Zhang, Dayong Zhang, Fei Wu, Qiang Ji*, 2021. Systemic risk in the Chinese financial system: a copula-based network approach. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26, 2044-2063.3.Qiang Ji, Elie Bouri, Ladislav Kristoufek, Brian Lucey, 2019. Realised volatility connectedness among Bitcoin exchange markets. Finance Research Letters, 38, 101391.5.Dayong Zhang, Zhiwei Zhang, Qiang Ji, Brian Lucey, Jia Liu, 2021. Board characteristics, external governance and the use of renewable energy: International evidence. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 72, 101317.7.Fei Wu, Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji*, 2021. Systemic risk and financial contagion across top global energy companies. Energy Economics, 97, 105221.9.Rufei Ma, Huan Cai, Qiang Ji*, Pengxiang Zhai, 2021. The impact of feed-in tariff degression on R&D investment in renewable energy: The case of the solar PV industry. Energy Policy, 151, 112209.11.Yan-Ran Ma, Qiang Ji, Fei Wu, Jiaofeng Pan, 2021. Financialization, idiosyncratic information and commodity co-movements. Energy Economics, 94, 105083.13.Julien Chevallier, Stéphane Goutte, Khaled Guesmi, Qiang Ji*, 2021. Green finance and the restructuring of the oil-gas-coal business model under carbon asset stranding constraints. Energy Policy, 149, 112055.15.Rangan Gupta, Xin Sheng, Mehmet Balcilar, Qiang Ji*, 2021. Time-varying impact of pandemics on global output growth. Finance Research Letters.17.Jiang-Bo Geng, Ya-Jun Du, Qiang Ji*, Dayong Zhang, 2021. Modeling return and volatility spillover networks of global new energy companies. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review, 135, 110214.19.Xiang Xu, Jian Yu, Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji, 2021. Energy insecurity, economic growth and the role of renewable energy: A cross-country panel analysis. The Singapore Economic Review, 66(2), 323-343.21.Xin Sheng, Rangan Gupta, Qiang Ji*, 2020. The impacts of structural oil shocks on macroeconomic uncertainty: Evidence from a large panel of 45 countries. Energy Economics, 91, 104940.23.Mian Yang, Yaru Hou, Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang, 2020. Assessment and optimization of provincial CO2 emissions reduction scheme in China: An improved ZSG-DEA approach. Energy Economics, 91, 104931.25.Rangan Gupta, Xin Sheng, Qiang Ji*, 2020. Movements in real estate uncertainty in the United States: The role of oil shocks. Applied Economics Letters.27.Bing-Yue Liu, Qiang Ji, Ying Fan, Duc Khuong Nguyen, 2020. Dynamic dependence and extreme risk comovement: The case of oil prices and exchange rates. International Journal of Finance and Economics.29.Yu Ma, Jun Shi, Qiang Ji*, 2020. Capital sudden stop, savings rate difference, and economic growth: Evidence based on 49 emerging economies. International Journal of Emerging Markets.31.Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang, Yuqian Zhao, 2020. Searching for safe-haven assets during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Review of Financial Analysis, 71, 101526.33.Claudiu T. Albulescu, Aviral K. Tiwari, Qiang Ji, 2020. Copula-based local dependence among energy, agriculture and metal commodity markets. Energy, 202, 117762.35.Vasilios Plakandaras, Aviral Kumar Tiwari, Rangan Gupta, Qiang Ji*, 2020. Spillover of sentiment in the European union: Evidence from time- and frequency-domains. International Review of Economics and Finance, 68, 105-130.37.Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang, Ali M. Kutan, 2020. Energy financialization, risk and challenges. International Review of Financial Analysis, 68, 101485.39.Qiang Ji*, Bing-Yue Liu, Juncal Cunado, Rangan Gupta, 2020. Risk spillover between the US and the remaining G7 stock markets using time-varying copulas with Markov switching: Evidence from over a century of data. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 51, 100846.41.Ying Wang, Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji, Xunpeng Shi, 2020. Regional renewable energy development in China: A multidimensional assessment. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review, 124, 109797.Tiantian Wang, Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji, Xunpeng Shi, 2020. Market reforms and determinants of import natural gas prices in China. Energy, 196, 117105.44.Yanfei Li, Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang, 2020. Technological catching up and innovation policies in China: What is behind this largely successful story? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 153, 119918.46.Qiang Ji, Walid Bahloul, Jiang-bo Geng, Rangan Gupta, 2020. Trading behaviour connectedness across commodity markets: Evidence from the hedgers’ sentiment perspective. Research in International Business and Finance, 52, 101114.48.Satish Kumar, Aviral Kumar Tiwari, I.D. Raheem, Qiang Ji, 2019. Dependence risk analysis in energy, agricultural and precious metals commodities: A pair vine copula approach. Applied Economics, 52(28), 3055-3072.50.Jiajia Li, Jian Zhang, Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji*, 2019. Does gender inequality affect household green consumption behaviour in China? Energy Policy, 135, 111071.52.Yan Xia, Yishu Kong, Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang, 2019. Impacts of China-US trade conflicts on the energy sector. China Economic Review, 58, 101360.54.Jiawen Luo, Tony Klein, Qiang Ji*, Chenghan Hou, 2019. Forecasting realized volatility of agricultural commodity futures with infinite hidden Markov HAR model. International Journal of Forecasting. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2019.08.007.56.Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji, 2019. Energy Finance: frontiers and future development. Energy Economics, 83, 290-292.58.Qiang Ji, Elie Bouri, David Roubaud, Ladislav Kristoufek, 2019. Information interdependence among energy, cryptocurrency and major commodity markets. Energy Economics, 81, 1042-1055.60.Yan-Ran Ma, Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji*, Jiaofeng Pan, 2019. Spillovers between oil and stock returns in the US energy sector: Does idiosyncratic information matter? Energy Economics, 81, 536-544.62.Qiang Ji, Bing-Yue Liu, Ying Fan, 2019. Risk dependence of CoVaR and structural change between oil prices and exchange rates: A time-varying copula model. Energy Economics, 77, 80-92.64.Yan-ran Ma, Qiang Ji*, Jiaofeng Pan. 2019. Oil financialization and volatility forecast: Evidence from multidimensional predictors. Journal of Forecasting, 38, 564-581.66.Qiang Ji*, Rangan Gupta, Festus Victor Bekun, Mehmet Balcilar, 2019. Spillover of mortgage default risks in the United States: Evidence from metropolitan statistical areas and states. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 19, e00114.68.Satish Kumar, Aviral Kumar Tiwari, Yogesh Chauhan, Qiang Ji*, 2019. Dependence structure between the BRICS foreign exchange and stock markets using the dependence-switching copula approach. International Review of Financial Analysis, 63, 273-284.70.Qiang Ji, Elie Bouri, Chi Keung Marco Lau, David Roubaud, Larisa Yarovaya, 2019. Dynamic connectedness and integration in cryptocurrency markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 63, 257-272.72.Qiang Ji, Tongshui Xia, Fan Liu, Jin-Hua Xu, 2019. The information spillover between carbon price and power sector returns: Evidence from the major European electricity companies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, 1178-1187.74.Dayong Zhang, Lei Lei, Qiang Ji*, Ali M. Kutan, 2019. Economic policy uncertainty in the US and China and their impact on the global markets. Economic Modelling, 79, 47-56.76.张志伟, 张大永, 姬强, 孙晓蕾, 2021. 媒体报道与商业银行盈余管理. 管理评论 (已接收).78.张大永,刘倩,姬强*, 2021. 股票分析师的羊群行为对公司股价同步性的影响分析. 中国管理科学. (已接收)
- 79.马嫣然, 胡旻, 张大永, 姬强*, 2020. 国内原油期货与其他金融资产极端风险溢出研究. 环境经济研究, 3, 116-133.
- 77.龚旭, 林伯强, 姬强*, 2021. 能源金融研究回顾与前沿方向探索. 系统工程理论与实践. (已接收)
- 75.胡旻, 马嫣然, 张大永, 姬强*, 2021. 中国原油期货与国际基准原油间信息传导研究. 中国石油大学学报(社会科学版).
- 73.Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang, 2019. China’s crude oil futures: Introduction and some stylized facts. Finance Research Letters, 28, 376-380.
- 71.Qiang Ji, Hai-Ying Zhang, Dayong Zhang, 2019. The impact of OPEC on East Asian oil import security: A multi-dimensional analysis. Energy Policy, 126, 99-107.
- 69.Gideon Boako, Aviral Kumar Tiwari, Muazu Ibrahim, Qiang Ji*, 2019. Analysing dynamic dependence between gold and stock returns: Evidence using stochastic and full-range tail dependence copula models. Finance Research Letters, 31, 391-397.
- 67.Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang, 2019. How much does financial development contribute to renewable energy growth and upgrading of energy structure in China? Energy Policy, 128, 114-124.
- 65.Dayong Zhang, Zhao Rong, Qiang Ji*, 2019. Green innovation and firm performance: Evidence from listed companies in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 144, 48-55.
- 63.Qiang Ji, Jianping Li, Xiaolei Sun, 2019. Measuring the interdependence between investor sentiment and crude oil returns: New evidence from the CFTC’s disaggregated reports. Finance Research Letters, 30, 420-425.
- 61.Dayong Zhang Qiang Ji*, Ali M. Kutan, 2019. Dynamic transmission mechanisms in global crude oil prices: Estimation and implications. Energy, 175, 1181-1193.
- 59.Riza Demirer, Rangan Gupta, Qiang Ji, Aviral Kumar Tiwari, 2019. Geopolitical risks and the predictability of regional oil returns and volatility. OPEC Energy Review, 9, 342-361.
- 57.Qiang Ji, Jianping Li, Xiaolei Sun, 2019. New challenge and research development in global energy financialization. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55, 2669-2672.
- 55.Xiaofeng Xu, Zhifei Wei, Qiang Ji*, Chenglong Wang, Guowei Gao, 2019. Global renewable energy development: influencing factors, trend predictions and countermeasures. Resources Policy, 63, 101470.
- 53.Tongshui Xia, Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang, Jinhong Han, 2019. Asymmetric and extreme influence of energy price changes on renewable energy stock performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 241, 118338.
- 51.Cuilin Li, Ya-Juan Du, Qiang Ji, Jiang-bo Geng, 2019. Multiscale market integration and nonlinear Granger causality between natural gas futures and physical markets. Sustainability, 11, 5518.
- 49.Yingjie Song, Qiang Ji, Ya-Juan Du, Jiang-Bo Geng, 2019. The dynamic dependence of fossil energy, investor sentiment and renewable energy stock markets. Energy Economics, 84, 104564.
- 47.Tongshui Xia, Qiang Ji, Jiang-bo Geng, 2020. Nonlinear dependence and information spillover between electricity and fuel source markets: New evidence from a multi-scale analysis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 537, 122298.
- 45.Dayong Zhang, Wanli Zhao, Fei Wu, Qiang Ji, 2020. Financial integration in Asia: a systemic view on currency markets. Asian Economic Papers, 19(2), 41-58.
- 43.Fei Wu, Wan-Li Zhao, Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang, 2020. Dependency, centrality and dynamic networks for international commodity futures prices. International Review of Economics and Finance, 67, 118-132.
- 42.Qiang Ji, Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Elie Bouri, Tahir Suleman, 2020. Dynamic structural impacts of oil shocks on exchange rates: Lessons to learn. Journal of Economic Structures.
- 40.Qiang Ji*, Bing-Yue Liu, Wan-Li Zhao, Ying Fan, 2020. Modelling dynamic dependence and risk spillover between all oil price shocks and stock market returns in the BRICS. International Review of Financial Analysis, 68, 101238.
- 38.Hardik Marfatia, Wan-Li Zhao, Qiang Ji*, 2020. Uncovering the global network of economic policy uncertainty. Research in International Business and Finance, 53, 101223.
- 36.Zhaobo Zhu, Qiang Ji, Licheng Sun, Pengxiang Zhai, 2020. Oil price shocks, investor sentiment and stock market anomalies in the oil and gas industry. International Review of Financial Analysis, 70, 101516. (SSCI)
- 34.Dayong Zhang, Min Hu, Qiang Ji*, 2020. Financial markets under the global pandemic of COVID-19. Finance Research Letters, 36, 101528.
- 32.Jiawen Luo, Qiang Ji, Tony Klein, Neda Todorova, Dayong Zhang, 2020. On realized volatility of crude oil futures markets: Forecasting with exogenous predictors under structural breaks. Energy Economics, 89, 104781.
- 30.Jiang-Bo Geng, Xiao-Yue Xu, Qiang Ji*, 2020. The time-frequency impacts of natural gas prices on US economic activity. Energy, 205, 118005.
- 28.Dayong Zhang, Jun Li, Qiang Ji*, 2020. Does better access to credit help reduce energy intensity in China? Evidence from manufacturing firms. Energy Policy, 145, 111710.
- 26.Min Hu, Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji, Lijian Wei, 2020. Macro factors and the realized volatility of commodities: A dynamic network analysis. Resources Policy, 68, 101813.
- 24.Afees A. Salisu, Rangan Gupta, Elie Bouri, Qiang Ji*, 2020. The role of global economic conditions in forecasting gold market volatility: Evidence from a GARCH-MIDAS approach. Research in International Business and Finance, 54, 101308.
- 22.Yuying Yang, Yan-Ran Ma, Min Hu, Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji*, 2020. Extreme risk spillover between Chinese and global crude oil futures. Finance Research Letters.
- 20.Xunpeng Shi, Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Phoumin Han, 2020. Energy Market and Energy Transition: Dynamics and Prospects. Frontiers in Energy Research, 8:603985.
- 18.Rangan Gupta, Sowmya Subramaniam, Elie Bouri, Qiang Ji*, 2021. Infectious disease-related uncertainty and the safe-haven characteristic of US treasury securities. International Review of Economics and Finance, 71, 289-298.
- 16.Xiangyu Li, Dayong Zhang, Tong Zhang, Qiang Ji, Brian Lucey, 2021. Awareness, energy consumption and pro-environmental choices of Chinese households. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123734.
- 14.Jiang-Bo Geng, Fu-Rui Chen, Qiang Ji, Bing-yue Liu, 2021. Network connectedness between natural gas markets, uncertainty and stock markets. Energy Economics, 95, 105001.
- 12.Riza Demirer, David Gabauer, Rangan Gupta, Qiang Ji*, 2021. Monetary policy and speculative spillovers in financial markets. Research in International Business and Finance, 56, 101373.
- 10.Xin Sheng, Hardik A. Marfatia, Rangan Gupta, Qiang Ji*, 2021. House price synchronization across the US states: The role of structural oil shocks. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 56, 101372.
- 8.Jiaguo Liu, Sujuan Li, Qiang Ji*, 2021. Analysis on regional difference and drivers of carbon emission intensity from transport sector in China. Energy, 224, 120178.
- 6.Yu Ma, Yang Zhang, Qiang Ji*, 2021. Do oil shocks affect Chinese bank risk? Energy Economics, 96, 105166.
- 4.Xin Sheng, Rangan Gupta, Qiang Ji*, 2021. Forecasting charge-off rates with a panel Tobit model: The role of uncertainty. Applied Economics Letters. DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2021.1898532.
- 2.Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji, Wan-Li Zhao, Nicholas Horsewood, 2021. Regional housing price dependency in the UK: A network approach. Urban Studies, 58(5), 1014-1031.